love, Kaysha & Husband

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Birthday Birthday Birthday

So I am a little late, but I wanted to post an update about my bday that was 2 weeks ago. I had the best birthday ever! Cam is such an amazing husband and he always tries to go above and beyond to surprise me. He is so sweet! I got a brand new bike that is so fun to ride. I have always wanted a cruiser, but never really thought I would actually buy one. Cam decided that it would be fun if we bought bikes for the summer. Not only is it a more enjoyable way to get around, but it really saves on gas (which seems to always be going up and not down)! It's so funny because we thought it would be fun to put Noche in my little basket that's on the front. He totally loves it! I can't help but feel like Dorothy on the Wizard of Oz cruising around with Toto. Cam likes to hum the tune of the song that plays while she rides whenever I put him in the basket! ha. After my big bike surprise, Cam told me that he also planned for us to go and stay in a hotel that night in Salt Lake. We were able to go and eat dinner at PF Chang's.. YUM!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Life is so sweet

Today I feel so lucky. I have been blessed with so many wonderful things in my life. I was just thinking about all of the horrible disasters and calamities that have been happening in the world around us, and it makes me so grateful for the simple things in life that we often don't acknowledge. I think it is important to have small moments like these where we recognize the importance of why we are really here.

Quote for the day:

"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."

Love, K&C

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter weekend

We had way too much fun this last weekend. I love spending time with Cam. We colored easter eggs, made easter basket “bags”, watched conference, played, took naps, and took Noche on walks. I wish every weekend could be just like this weekend. It was so amazing to hear the talks that were given. How lucky we are to have such amazing leaders of the church. I am so grateful! They always make me want to do everything that I can to do that much better. Love it. Hope your weekend was as great as ours was!

Love, Kaysha&Cam

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April First!

Happy April Fools day!

Who knew that the weather was going to play a trick on us today? When I woke up this morning, I was so sad to see that spring hadn't quite yet decided to stay.

Cam told me a funny thing that one of his professors up on campus said in his class. In a joking way, he stated that spring doesn't usually officially start until the mormon's have their conference. :)

I never thought that I would say it... but I actually like the snow at times. I looked out the back window and got a glimpse of our snow covered tree in the back yard. It was breath taking!

What is your favorite season?

Monday, March 29, 2010

No no noche!

I have learned some very important lessons while training a dog! Cam and I have been teaching our puppy to stay in the kitchen so that he won't go to the bathroom on our carpet. We used a baby gate when we first got him to block off the rest of the house so that he could only stay on the hard floor. Just recently, we moved the gate and have taught him not to cross "the line." He has been doing so great! We were so surprised at how quickly he caught on to not running on the carpet. We were starting to feel really confident, and even bragging about how great we are at training our dog!! It was yesterday afternoon when we decided to go over to Cam's parents for dinner and leave our dog unattended and in the kitchen for the first time while we were gone. BAD idea!! We were gone for about two hours, and had quite the surprise waiting when we came home! Noche came cruising past us from the living room when we opened the front door, and our living room totally stunk like poo. We both looked at each other with horror on our faces thinking... what have we done!? Blah! He had gone to the bathroom on the floor and had had quite the party while we were gone! His food was randomly scattered in the living room, and he had chewed up a pen that he had found on the floor that left ink and pieces of it hidden throughout the house. I started yelling at the puppy and Cam was laughing so hard because he had never heard me yell before. Haha I was so mad! I guess it was partially our fault for leaving him alone, but it taught us one thing... we won't ever do that again! What a blunder... seriously!