love, Kaysha & Husband

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Birthday Birthday Birthday

So I am a little late, but I wanted to post an update about my bday that was 2 weeks ago. I had the best birthday ever! Cam is such an amazing husband and he always tries to go above and beyond to surprise me. He is so sweet! I got a brand new bike that is so fun to ride. I have always wanted a cruiser, but never really thought I would actually buy one. Cam decided that it would be fun if we bought bikes for the summer. Not only is it a more enjoyable way to get around, but it really saves on gas (which seems to always be going up and not down)! It's so funny because we thought it would be fun to put Noche in my little basket that's on the front. He totally loves it! I can't help but feel like Dorothy on the Wizard of Oz cruising around with Toto. Cam likes to hum the tune of the song that plays while she rides whenever I put him in the basket! ha. After my big bike surprise, Cam told me that he also planned for us to go and stay in a hotel that night in Salt Lake. We were able to go and eat dinner at PF Chang's.. YUM!